Tuesday 27 January 2015


I've been fascinated by Jays since childhood and have found quite a lot of their blue stripey feathers over the years. To look down and see the bright blue feather on a muddy path is pretty exciting to me but as I've said before I don't think I get out enough! Lately several Jays have been landing in the tree outside our bedroom window and it has been my first sighting of the actual birds. I've always thought they kept away from people because they were very shy.


Marianna said...

They are beautiful and lucky you to have 'captured' that special blue. We've had odd sightings both here in South and previously South East London gardens but paraquets are more common.

Julia Kelly said...

Love the transulcentness! Gorgeous illustration !

Vicki Smith said...

Very pretty Nicky. I love how you use nature in such a fresh way as your inspiration.

Caroline said...

Oh how lovely Nicky! We live in 'Jays Cottage' but sadly don't see them in our courtyard garden. I've never managed to find a feather either but did have a rare sighting of a Jay a couple of days ago in the woods nearby :)They are really beautiful!